Engineering Programs
Engineering is the core of civilization.
We are dependent on Engineers day-in day-out to solve problems and develop solutions in areas related to infrastructures, transportation, energy, waste, etc. Just look around and you can clearly see why Engineers are so vital to the society.
Check out this video on Youtube that shows you why Engineering is important. Civil, Electrical, Aerospace, Chemical, Structural, Mechanical, etc.

So, which field of Engineering do you want to be in?
Recent data from Ministry of Manpower 2014 Job Vacancies Report shows that there is a huge demand in Singapore for engineering related jobs, including civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electronics engineer, industrial & production engineer and electrical engineer.
With a shrinking pool of engineers in Singapore, it offers greater opportunities for local and foreign graduates in Engineering and Professional Engineers to find a job in Singapore. Graduates will be required to obtain a recognized Engineering degree if they are to land an Engineer job in Singapore.
If you will like to know more about recognized Engineering degrees in Singapore, you can refer to the links listed at the bottom of this page.
everything and do what you love
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Some of the universities offering Engineering degrees recognized in Singapore include:
Australia | United Kingdom |
United States
Australian National University
University of Western Australia
University of Aberdeen
University of Bradford University of Liverpool Liverpool John Moores University
University of California (e.g UC Berkeley, UCLA)
California State University (e.g Los Angeles, Long Beach)
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
For further information related to Engineering, please contact us to find out more about the available foundation pathways and universities.
Please drop us an email at or fill in the enquiry form below. Study Abroad, Think Global!
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Some internet links pertaining to recognition of Engineering degree in Singapore
- Professional Engineer Board – Summary of Professional Engineers (Approved Qualifications) Notification
- Building & Construction Authority – List of universities for Resident Engineers
- International Engineering Alliance
- Engineering Accreditation Commission (USA – ABET Accredited Program Search)
- Institute of Engineering, Australia